Treestar Farm

Our Goats Live in the Lap of Luxury

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Working on a NEW milking machine!

I'm very excited about a new project I'm working on with Tom Clavette, the man who purchased Tinkerbell and Electra from us last year. He took my suggestion for a simple hand powered milker to make milking these girls easier and ran with it. We are now working on perfecting his invention, thereby filling a huge gap in the home milking machine market; that between flimsy, temperamental hand powered systems and the still expensive scaled down versions of commercial electric systems. This is what happens when a NASCAR car chief and a goat farmer who has tried every system out there put their heads together! Our milking machine is powered by the smallest electric vacuum pump I've ever seen, has an integrated pressure gauge/pressure relief button for safety, and comes with a foot pedal on/off switch to free up both hands for milking. It will come as a compact unit packed into a carrier, so it can be easily transported. Electrical lines and food grade hoses are long enough to allow for positioning in a customized fashion to accommodate your milking setup, and extension hoses with easy to change connectors will be available. We are going to try to keep the price for the entire system to less than $250. Our main problem now is naming it, or rather having to stop and pick ourselves up off the floor from laughing every time we come up with another possibility. Options so far include The Milker 500, The Tiny Electric Milking Machine, and The Milk-o-Matic. Stay tuned for more details and pictures as we make nicer looking prototypes. When it's ready for sale, I'll add a Store tab to our homepage of this website.