Treestar Farm

Our Goats Live in the Lap of Luxury

Mini Nubian Goats for Sale

Kid (male)

I got my wild coloring from Dad.
Kid (male)Under 1 yr dark buckskin w/ frosted ears
Moonspots galore!
Kid (male)Under 1 yrblack w/ frosted ears & moonspots

Buck (male)

Can't get enough of this little booger!
Buck (male)2 yrsblk&tan, frstd ears/nose, blue eyes
Looks, milk, personality!
Buck (male)2 yrsblack/red buckskin, blue eyes

Doe (female)

Lovely blue roan girl.
Doe (female)2 yrs
Doe (female)4 yrsbrown & tan, white poll/L hind leg